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a gal who doesn't like to be referred to as a womens by men who are 30 years old and have the ability to spell and think as that of a 7 year old boy and think that they can and should be having sex.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday edition of men who make us gag

It's the Thursday edition to "Men Who Make Us Gag" it is the prelude to the desperate Friday/Weekend version, as Thursday's are more tame and then by nightfall...they get really desperate and tomorrow I am sure there will be dozens of crazy/disgusting/needy postings to share...

I think this guy has issues with grammar and spelling. Oh, and black women.

another rant...but a lovely ode.

Is it just me, or does he really look like he wants to kill us all? Maybe with his strong marathon tongue? (I just had this visual pop in my head from the 1980's series "V" and he has a lizard-like tongue that will zip out and snap our heads off if we get a little whiny).

I don't know what to say..... that you????? It's a simply thing, Kevin!

I am going to start a new CL email blast that is titled "Holy Shit, This Dude Could Procreate":

I've noticed on several postings that a girl with a car is a must. I feel sorry for the girls who are perfect in every way, but not a car owner, who are rejected. Maybe the guys should say "sign up for Zip Car and we could have a chance to all of you non-car owning womens out there"

I am only listing this to make fun of myself, because when I read the subject, my mind read "Unrepentant Butt Fun" and I was thinking..what the hell? Then my mind finally grabbed onto the fact that the BUTT was actually BUT. BUT then again, his posting is a little weird.

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